Preloved Garage Sale, Hin Bus Depot

July 18, 2016

Hey guys! Today I'll be sharing about the preloved items garage sale that happened in Hin Bus Depot last Saturday.

It was basically a garage sale filled with interesting secondhand stuff. The things on sale ranged from books:

to comics (omg there were Justice League 52 comics)

and to lots and lots of clothes! They were mostly girl stuff but there were a few guys stuff as well. I even managed to get this official U.S navy coat (which I shall be coordinating into an OOTD soon).

There were lots of accessories and other trinkets on sale too.

On of the most interesting (and prettiest) finds I found were these vintage pocket watches. Can you believe the gold one cost RM800?!

There were also artists who performed throughout the event. One of them was Fufy's friend Ong Hong!

There were seats available a well as drinks available on the platform too.

I didn't manage to get any pictures of the inside stalls, so sorreh. On the lawn however was this cute little van where you could take photobooth pictures for only RM3!

This Volkswagen is like damn cool! I want one for myself, I can already see myself living in it and touring Korea or something. The color scheme was so light and pastel-y! Plus the inside was complete with a built in refrigerator, how cool is that?!

Being the camwhore that I am, I actually enjoyed this part of the sale the most hahaha

Overall the event was quite nice. I hoped I had a bit more cash to spare to buy more stuff, but oh well. Priorities. Fufy managed to buy at least a hundred bucks worth of shit and my god tbh I'm a bit jelly yi xia hahaha. She bought a jacket, some scarves, a book and more stuff. She even got this nice faux leather bag for RM15. RM15 LEH. If only there was a nice leather tote. Oh well.

As always, thanks for reading!

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