Our Times 我的少女時代 [Full Movie Eng Sub]

September 4, 2016

Oh god. I don't even know where to start.

Our Times was a super popular movie a while back and if you've been a reader of my blog for some time now, you'll notice a trend with me not watching stuff when they're playing and only watching them like a year after *I'm a hoe like that*

Anyways, Our Times was super popular and the only think I knew about it was that the title was 我的少女時代 in Chinese. Wikipedia says it translates to "The Time of my Teenage Years" but the actual direct translation is My Girls Generation. Ring a bell?

My brother downloaded the movie with subtitles and gave it to me a few weeks back. I only got around to watching it and it was an enjoyable 2-hour fanboy journey!

The cinematography was spot on (any major Chinese/Taiwanese rom com is on point) and the casting was so perfect! My god I almost died with 王大陸's visuals! He kinda reminds me of a mix between Shon Minho and Park Minwoo!

The story was also really good! The first part of the movie really captured how highschool is (at least in Chinese schools). From the "boss" character to how their classroom looked like...I swear there was one class in my grade that looked like a toned down version of the classroom in the movie.

It made me miss my high school days and made me question if I'd end up like Lin Zhen Xin in the future.

Worrying aside, the story flowed very well and the plot was really good. The movie's set in the past and the vintage feel of it was so realistic and nostalgic, kinda like 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 but a cuter version. Here's a few sneak peaks:

And here's 林真心 徐太宇! I ship them so hard omg:

I really recommend this movie! I searched it up and found the full subbed version on YouTube:

Happy watching and see you in the next post!


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